Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is Plan Canada (Foster Parent Plan) Guilty of Sexism and False Advertising for donations

Mike Murphy 

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Sent at 18:41 (GMT-05:00). Current time there: 18:50. ✆


30 December 2009 18:41
Because I am a Girl campaign


Dear Plan Canada Administrators:

re: I am a girl campaign -,

I am a very confused  father of 4 daughters 2 of whom are out of school and the 2 youngest  are doing quite well in our school system.  I see your PS ads on TV focusing on the 3rd world and below I see your description of your organization. The bolding is mine.

Plan is a global movement for change to help children in more than 45 developing countries.
  • Each year, our work impacts the lives of more than 3.5 million families and their children in over 25,000 communities.
  • Plan is a not for profit organization and we work with people of all different religions and cultures. (but apparently not genders)

You say you are helping children and families but all I see is a very visible campaign for girls. Although Ontario, where I reside, is a "have not" Province within our Federation,  we are not yet a 3rd world country save some aboriginal reserves. It doesn't say anything about boys who for many years in Canada have been way behind girls  in terms of academic achievement. In fact boys seldom see a male teacher in their first 10 years of education.  Here are a few of many areas favouring females in this country. Serious imbalances in degrees granted, approximately 60% female - 40% male-and vast reduction of men in University, the demographics of the Federal Public  and Ontario Public Services 55% female), the teaching profession - in Ontario a 400% imbalance of females in the 20-30 age cohort, ( with the disintegration of the family few male role models thanks to social engineering by Family Court Judges), the health profession dominated by females, 90% sole physical custody to moms, 75% of divorces initiated by females.  We seem to live in a very female centric society and I'm frankly tired of seeing boys suffer the consequences.

I can understand helping girls in the 3rd world overcome some of the disparities they may suffer but no such societal impediments exist in this country other than through feminist mythology.

Actions do speak far louder than words. I am contemplating filing a  human rights complaint against this blatant sexism within Canada, which will have a negative impact on your organization and your sponsors. Would you advise what, if anything,  you have in store for boys and whether you are diverting funds donated by people to help third world families to this discriminatory effort toward a single gender in Canada? I'm certainly never going to donate one thin dime to your cause ever again nor purchase anything from your sponsors and I will advise all my fellow males across Canada to do likewise, unless I get some satisfactory answers.

I will also be publicizing this through my blogs.

I await your response.

Mike Murphy

cc Rogers Publishing Limited (Chatelaine Magazine)
333 Bloor Street East, 6th Floor
Toronto, ON M4W 1G9

cc President, Corus Entertainment Inc.
181 Bay St, Suite 1630
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2T3

cc 98.1 CHFI
777 Jarvis St.
Toronto, Ontario
M4Y 3B7

Barbara Kay: The end of the gender wars

Another fine column by Barbara Kay below. My comments in the thread are as follows:

One of the real signs of the "official" pendulum swinging back toward the middle will be the dismantling of the Official Federal Government apparatchik propaganda machine for legally sanctioning misandry called the Status of Women Canada.  Real Women of Canada in their latest newsletter support this and have shown through research some of the reasons why.

I support it and it would send a clear signal to all the other levels of government with their professional Feminists firmly entrenched as bureaucrats a page has been turned and its time for balance in gender relationships.

I too have seen discernible movement in the pendulum but it is being held back by our own tax dollars at all levels of government.  I find it interesting that SOW Canada gives grants to organizations of professional feminists who cannot earn a living without tax dollars, and they then turn around and use the money to castigate the very government who gave it.  The entrenched Victim oriented feminists in SOW Canada see this as a way to propagandize, through untruths, the so called plight of women and, in turn, justify their existence.

Jason Kenny saw through this on the immigration side by cutting funding now we need to get the Minister responsible for SOW Canada to do likewise.

Those of us in the trenches advocating to get laws changed will eventually endure and we will be persistent. When one sees the imbalances in degrees granted and vast reduction of men in University, the demographics of the Federal Public  and Ontario Public Services (55% female), the teaching profession - in Ontario a 400% imbalance of females in the 20-30 age cohort, (its rare for a boy to have a male teacher in the first 10 years of school and with the disintegration of the family few male role models thanks to social engineering by Family Court Judges), the health profession, 90% sole physical custody to moms, 75% of divorces initiated by females spurred on by your own tax dollars at work in feminist community groups, dads marginalized as visitors - one sees the need for change.

The last census saw for the first time married's as a minority. That is telling and a clear sign the feminists are winning the war and more men are shying away from a potential  lifetime of financial servitude.

Here is a quote from one of them:

"How will the family unit be destroyed? ...The demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare."

Roxanne Dunbar, Female Liberation as a Basis for Social Revolution, New England Free Press, 1974)

This is very much the state of affairs today.

I am optimistic change will come albeit slowly but it is happening in the MSM. I was shocked to see Wente's article but it did represent a significant event to see another female journalist assist in the uncovering of a feminist lie and crass marketing of their victimhood.MJM